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blatant propaganda:
the "Oz music show" radio show.

24 August 2002 5-7p.m.

ARTIST === track

dale barlow : bunyip
sofa meca : dead waitress
new project : prime time
zeitgeist : love is pollution
INTERVIEW with Mr. "Reggae" - manager of the "Rockape" band venue, feature on the "Rockape" compilation CD.
reign of terror : lords of the black earth
cuntie : cunt
hated : they're not corrupt
babyshakers : so's your face
agent of vega : are you kidding or what?
mytile vey lorth : journey of a demon
the vee bees : whaddyareckonboutmeute?
gauss : bitter taste
bigots : full of shit
the chicken okkult : charge of the burgermeister
bulldog spirit : in this together
coroner blue : black angel
the bedridden : drowning of the daddo brothers
red jezebel : my part in the killing
oscam lima : so real
george : bastard son
kindergarten experiment : hardball
commissioner gordon : volvo drivers

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