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blatant propaganda:
the "Oz music show" radio show.

Sat. 20/May/2000 5-7p.m.

ARTIST - track.

Feature Album & Interview:
"Escape from Toytown" - political punk from Brisbane (see below)

Dark violence of Beauty - bordertown
the models - 2 cabs to the toucan
biftek - wired for sound
the stinking badger of java - pissing diamonds
futureretro - good government
compressed infinity - silent image
omnium gatherum - exhausted of tolerance
vocabularinist - death of the caterpillar
The oppenheimer project - 20,000 leagues
basset hound - listen to this
the mighty few - I can't wait
smeg - one, two
halo - rise
escape from toytown - you�ve got a slave
zeitgeist - the leash
eye - party politicians part 1
reign of terror - her funeral beauty
INTERVIEW: with Cal from Escape from Toytown :INTERVIEW
escape from toytown - you�ve got a slave
escape from toytown - fish and chip bitch from Ipswich
(country version)
escape from toytown - if you�re sick
Astral Taxi - chemistry
escape from toytown - leave it in the ground
NSA - scapegoat
NSA - hangover.


Escape From Toytown new album: "escapegoat" on Oracle Records. "...if you like Propaghandi you'll love E.F.T. but the major difference is you can actually understand what E.F.T. are singing and sing and groove along too!... Some tracks are plain aggressive while others have great hooks and catchy pop-punk bits. All of the tracks are distinctly different..." Blatant Propaganda zine#3 review mid-2000
The CD is available from the band for $12 (inc. post) care-of: Trash video, 709 Ann St. Fortitude Valley Qld, 4006 Australia. Telephone: 061-07 3252 2650.


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