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The Decline of Tooth Decay occurred "Regardless" of Water Flouridation

A short article below plus images that show an international comparison of tooth decay in countries with and without water fluoridation.

See for many articles and links to further research.


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Article from 1997.

If the addition of sodium-fluoride to our (Australian) water supplies is so safe and effective, why has it been banned or abandonded in such enlightened European countries as: Norway, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France, Italy, and West Germany?(1)

In proportion to it's population, Australia is the most heavily fluoridated country in the world; 98% of the world's population do not drink artificially fluoridated water.

water-tap poison image

Does Fluoridation Reduce Dental Decay?

A computer analysis of the data from the largest dental survey ever done -of nearly 40,000 school children - by the U.S. National Institutes of Dental Research revealed no correlation between tooth decay and fluoridation. In fact, many of the non-fluoridated cities had better tooth decay rates than fluoridated cities. The city with the lowest rate of tooth decay was not fluoridated. Of the three with the highest rate of decay, two were partially fluoridated.

Similarly, the Missouri State Bureau of Dental Health:

"had conducted a survey of more than 6,500 lifelong resident second- and sixth-grade children in various parts of Missouri and found that, overall... `there were no significant differences between children drinking optimally fluoridated water and children drinking suboptimally fluoridated water.'" Prof. Albrtt W.Burgstahler, Uni.of Kansas) (2)

Even "...the Journal of the American Dental Association (states) that "the currently reported decline in caries in the U.S. and other Western industrialised countries has been observed in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities, with percentage reductions in each community apparently about the same.'" Chemical & Engineering News, August 1, 1988.

Moreover, a University of Arizona study, reported in the 27 July 1992 Chemical & Engineering News, found that:

"the more fluoride a child drank, the more cavities appeared in the teeth."


" districts reporting the highest caries-free rates, were totally unfluoridated. How does one explain this?" A.S. Gray, D.D.S., Journal of the Canadian Dental Association, no.10, 1987. (2)

Adverse Health Effects of Water Fluoridation

Figures released by the U.S. National Centre for Health Statistics reveal that the ten cities with the worst rate of infant mortality have all been artificially fluoridated at least 17 years or longer! After the first full year of fluoridation, Kansas city's (USA) infant mortality increased 13% (The Kansas City Star 21.11.82). After the fifth year of fluoridation in Kansas city, infant mortality increased 36% (Kansas City Star 26.2.87). Japan, with no fluoridation, has the lowest infant mortality rate in the industrialised world, and the longest life expectancy. (3)

"...Full-scale retrospective epidemiological (population) studies whose scientific value has been demonstrated before the courts have revealed that there is a marked correlation between increased cancer mortality rates and artificial flouridation of public water supplies..."

Dr. J Benoit-Bundock, Senior Adviser to the Minister of the Environment, Quebec, Canada, 1979, in a government report recommending against fluoridation of Quebec's water supplies (4)

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice John P. Flaherty, after holding a lengthy series of judicial hearings, issued an injunction against the use of fluoride:

"The evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water extremely deleterious to the human body. A review of evidence will disclose that there was no evidence to the contrary... Prior to my hearing this case, I gave the matter of fluoridation little, if any thought... I seriously believe that few responsible people have objectively reviewed the evidence." (5)

"A family sized tube of fluoride toothpaste contains sufficient fluoride to kill a 3.6 kg baby." Dr.G.E Smith 1983 (7)

"Thus some of the serious charges that are being laid at its door- genetic damage, birth defects, cancer and allergy response - may arise from fluoride interference after all" New Scientist 22 January 1981 (6)

The Journal of the American Medical Association, February 10, 1951 had this to say about fluoride:

"Chronic intoxications resulting from prolonged intake of smaller amounts of fluoride include dental fluorosis, ... Fluorine also tends to accumulate in the bones, leading to hypercalcifications and brittleness. Ligaments and tendons also become calcified. Serious symptoms may ensue, such as loss of mobility of joints, easy fracture and pressure on the spinal cord. Other effects include baldness in young men, anemia and decreased blood clotting power. And in women, painful menstruation, lowered birth rate, high incidence of fracture, thyroid alterations and liver damage." (8)

Suppression of Civil Rights in Australia re: Fluoridation.

  In November 1994 the Victorian Parliament passed an amendment to the Fluoridation Act by changing the Constitution to stop the Supreme Court from hearing cases against Artifical Fluoridation. If you are poisoned by fluoride in Victoria tough luck, there is no protection under law.

The Tasmanian Government in 1995 passed a Bill through the Lower House to prohibit the holding of meetings on the subject of Flouridation anywhere at all in Tasmania. Called the Consequential Amendments Bill it was later withdrawn but is being re-worded. Outside of Tasmania, no outcry, no boycotts, why?

A draconian law was enacted in NSW in 1989. Because of this law, a Council cannot cease Fluoridation of its own water supply, after requests by public demand, unless it gets permission from the Health Department. And there is little chance of that.

Australia is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966). This U.N. law states that 'no one shall be subjected without his consent to medical or scientific experimentation.' The Health Dept. cannot produce one double blind scientific study which proves absolutely the safety and efficacy of fluoridation. It seems we are all experimental subjects.

If fluoridation is so safe or effective, why this repressive legislation ?

Why don't we hear about it in the media?

In closing:

"Fluoridation is a hoax; and a potentially dangerous hoax. Its promotion has involved: scientific skullduggery; political and commercial chicanery on a grand scale; the deliberate destruction of the careers of dentists opposed to fluoridation; the vilification of eminent individuals; the distortion of damaging evidence and the fabrication of supportive data..." Dr. G.E. Smith. 1983 (9)

"A handful of dentists in the various States have advised Health Ministers that fluoridation is universally safe. But dentists' expertise is limited to areas of the mouth, specifically the teeth and gums; they know nothing of what can happen to fluoride in other parts of the body, and most of them couldn't care less... Anyone who looks at the original evidence would be appalled, because it is shoddy, superficial and inadequate. However, dentists have said fluoridation is safe and they can't go back on that; too many of them would be left with egg on their faces. Additionally, there is the growing fear of litigation... Politicians don't like having to repeal laws they themselves introduced; and Professors of Dentistry don't fancy losing their reputations!" Dr. Geoffrey E. Smith. 1983 (10)

P.S.- You can't avoid fluoride by drinking bottled beverages. Where do you think the water in them comes from? The tap! Also, fluoridated water is used to produce and subsequently concentrates in the food we eat. Moreover, you absorb it through your skin when you shower! The only way to avoid fluoride is by removing it through political action. We need to make artificial fluoridation of water supplies an election issue.

Composed 1997


The Australian Fluoridation News, GPO Box 935G, Melbourne Vic 3001 Australia, is recommended. $15 per annum for 6 issues. Or see NEXUS magazine, (occasional articles on fluoride) available in most newsagents or from PO Box 30 Mapleton Qld. 4560 Australia ($25 Aus. for 6 bi-monthly issues). Nexus Europe: 55 Queens Rd. E. Grinstead W.Sussex, RH19 1BG, UK.

(1) E.McCabe 1988 Oxygen Therapies p.163
(2) all above info. on reduction of dental-caries taken from Nexus magazine Vol.2 no. 11 1992-93 p.9
(3) all info. on infant mortality from Nexus op cit. p.9
(4) quoted in Dr. Geoffrey E.Smith's "Fluoride: the Frightening Facts"Simply Living Vol.2 no.1 p.35 1983
(5) In E. McCabe 1988 op cit. p. 162
(6) in Dr. G.E.Smith 1983 op cit. p. 31
(7) ibid. p. 33
(8) in Morris Bealle's Super Drug Story, ch. 8 "Rat poison in your Water" p.131, 1963, Columbia Publishing Co., Washington.
(9) ibid. p.30.
(10) ibid. p.36

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