EYE ::: post-industrial cyberpunk electronica drum&bass acid noise propaganda

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interview in 'chain DLK' 1999.

Page 2 of 4.

EYE's famous dictators band picture :-)

Chain D.L.K.: Each of the Eye works seem to be concept-albums? Tell us about the choice of acting this way... Why did you decide to work with concept?

J. Citizen (EYE): "Politics can be Fun Vol. 1" became a concept album because of my interest in contemporary Australian politics. It focusses on issues such as the myth that the party system is "democracy", when it isn't. While a few tracks deal with Australian issues they are relevant to the rest of the world because everywhere has similar cases of political scams and of policies that are opposed by most of the population yet still imposed upon us by political parties (which have no place in true democracy). For instance, recently a Goods & Services Tax (like the V.A.T. in some other countries) was imposed on us even though this tax was opposed by over 60% of Australians in the last election. In other countries this tax benefits the rich and disadvantages everyone else. Other issues covered on this CD, over a bed of crunching acid-industrial and electronica, are the dangers of uranium mining, the erosion of aboriginal people's land-rights, privatisation and the takeover by transnational corporations.


Chain D.L.K.: Which is the concept of the next album?

J. Citizen (EYE): The album will probably be "Politics... Volume 2". It will be more general and global in content. Possibly this release may be delayed to coincide with the next Australian election and another CD of material will be released sooner reflecting other issues and/or more personal material.


Chain D.L.K.: Are there also musical differences between these works?

J. Citizen (EYE): Yes and no. There are musical differences between certain groups of songs because EYE explores a range of different things at different times. However, if future albums tend to be conceptual or thematic, then the musical differences will spread over these albums. So while there will be musical diversity on each album, there will be common links between albums. For instance the latest album has material from 1996-1999. Upcoming albums will have songs composed in those years, as there are quite a few, along with earlier re-recorded and current material. At present, "..Vol.2" will be a bit heavier and more industrial overall.


Chain D.L.K.: Do you consider Eye more like a musical band or a kind of social mission?

J. Citizen (EYE): It's equally both. To say EYE is "a social mission" is going to bore 99% of people to death! So EYE won't admit to that! EYE love making music and causing thought!


Chain D.L.K.: Which is to you the best way to fight the human ignorance about animal abuse and why? What is in your opinion the best approach to face the problem and to try to get people interested in this?

page 3 yields the intriguing answer >>>


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